Be Stronger Than Your Excuses

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When You Need A Life Shift

Although change is inevitable, we get to choose just how much of it we embrace. Whether it be at your job or your everyday home life, I think we can all agree that positive change is definitely welcomed. It’s the acknowledgement and the decision to implement the change that we often struggle with. With that being said, I encourage you to use these tips to help shake up your life just enough to realize how strong you truly are.

Take Inventory

Deeply reflect on your life. List what is going great and not so much. Use this list to help you define what you really want. Often times, when life has been going good for awhile, we don’t stop and realize that in the monotony, we have become disengaged. Sometimes referred to as “simply going through the motions”. It is thought that the most successful and happiest people carve out time to evaluate themselves and the circumstances that surround them, and make adjustments that will help them grow.

How Are You Moving

We tend to move one of two ways, either toward what we want or away from what we don’t want. In order for change to occur movement must happen, regardless of how subtle. When movement is absent, stasis can occur. Stasis is fine for some and they are content. However, some of us respond to stasis as “feeling stuck” and end up feeling absent from our life. Hence, the need for this post. In order to determine which way we are moving, we must identify and keep our goal in mind.

Separate Your Obstacles

Write a list of the obstacles you may, or may not, face on your way to your goal. Then go back and split them into two categories, those you can control and those you can’t. When you are faced with a choice of making a decision, let it bring the list of things you can control into focus. Others behavior/influence is a big one here. Often times we let what others may say/think dictate our choices. The goal here is to accept that we can not control the actions or words of others. However, we CAN control how we react to their influence.

Change Your Way Of Thinking

The number one thing that holds people back is doubt. Asking yourself, What if it doesn’t work? What if I end up worse than I am now? The thing is you are in control, you are capable of whatever you set your mind to. The confidence that comes from not being afraid to fail is unbelievable. Removing fear from the equation opens an entire world or opportunities. Try looking at change as simply a chance to learn.

Shock Yourself

Do one thing you don’t think you can. Whether it’s calling to inquire about your ideal job opening or starting a new exercise regime. Small changes help keep us moving forward. Magic happens outside of our comfort zone. And you can’t have change AND comfort. Plus, once you take the plunge, each step after gets easier and easier and that risk you were afraid to take, may just be the one that changes your life.

Take Away

Change can be both exciting and scary. When we focus on shifts that feel manageable, our ability to trust ourselves increases exponentially. It may also help to keep this quote in mind,

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done” -Thomas Jefferson

We’re all in this together, T

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Are you feeling stuck but afraid of change? Use these tips to help focus on manageable steps that can help you achieve the change you need.

6 thoughts on “Be Stronger Than Your Excuses

  1. Great read! If you want something you’ve never had you must be willing to do something you’ve never done- Wow!

  2. I have made many excuses in the past and I regret doing that. I should have not listened the doubt in my heart and mind and just went for my dreams. I am happy now that I going for my dreams and not making excuses anymore.

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